Friday, 6 January 2012

NXT first episode of 2012 review (Episode 98)

Now before I begin, I'd like to express my opinion on NXT, feel free to skip to the next paragraph and ignore this. NXT replaced ECW, and was a reality tv show similar to tough enough. I began watching the series, and I thoroughly enjoyed season 1 of NXT. I was glad that Wade one, because he was mentored by Jericho mainly, but he could wrestle. The second season was similar and enjoyable, Kaval was the most interesting for his in ring ability, he went on to win but left WWE soon after. Season 3 was a diva NXT, which i did enjoy, the majority couldn't wrestle, apart from Kaitlyn, who won season 3. Season 4 Johhny Curtis was not my favourite at all, I was a Bateman fan, Johhny won, winning a tag team championship oppertunity with his pro R-Truth, this however never went a head. Season 5, the current season was redemption. This intrigued me as previous competitors returned for a spot. Once NXT redemption reached the final two competitors, Titus o' Neil and Darren Young (Who was on Raw very briefly I might add). For some reason, they felt the need to add another superstar to the mix, Derrick Bateman, this annoyed me. You don't see in a 400 meter dash, another runner enter with 10 meters left in the race do you? Not in any 400 meter dash I've seen, that wasn't on the simpsons.
NXT then became like old WWE shows like Heat and Velocity, where boring superstars, or under promoted superstars go when the Branded shows (Smackdown and RAW) have no time for them. My opinion, they should get rid of the superstars, who are doing nothing. JTG is nothing really without crime time is he?

Any way, now that that's of my chest lets begin. NXT began with Matt Striker talking about NXT approaching the 100th episode, well NXT redemption (season 5) is almost as long as all previous seasons combined. What happened to the obstacle course, I mean it had nothing to do with wrestling, but sure was fun to watch, especially the divas running through it, Am I right? (Post a Comment). Matt then welcomed a former NXT star, Michael McGilicutty, now he is a third generation superstar, and son of Mr Perfect, Curt Henning. I think he is a great in ring athlete and has potential on WWE. He came out and did the stereotypical comment of running down what ever city or state they were in. This was clearly setting up a fight, between a face. Another former NXT star Alex Riley came out to confront him, this was meet with an exchanging of words followed  by them grappling each other, dragging them to the floor and rolling over each other. Matt called for a ref so the match could begin. Now Alex Riley was on Raw for some time, he even appeared in some PPV, when he was Miz's apprentice. He then gained some fans by the heel turns face maneuver. However he seemed to disappear after this, and ended up right back where he started. The match however was a great match. Nice back and forth. But the ending was pulled of so beautifully. McGilicutty was setting Riley up for his finisher the McGilicutter. Alex Riley avoided this and delivered a beautiful brilliant "Your dismissed" on to McGilicutty for the win.

Following this, was footage of last weeks match between Derrick Bateman and Johhny Curtis, with Maxine watching. In case you didn't watch this, Bateman won by a school boy roll-up, he then asked Maxine to take him, she walked out of the ring, up the ramp to the stage where Johhny Curtis was, she slapped him and made out with him. The camera cut to Kaitlyn and Derrick, Kaitlyn was telling Bateman to move on and forget Maxine. Maxine and Curtis arrived on the scene, haha, like they weren't waiting off screen for their big scene. The ladies exchanged some comments, and Maxine and Curtis left.

The next match was Kaitlyn vs Maxine, I watched the season 3 NXT, and the girls were hot, but couldn't wrestle. I take that back, as Kaitlyn showed how amazing her wrestliing skills had improved. Maxine as well competed very well. But in the end Maxine was victorious.

Following this was a WWE RAW promo, so I think I'll follow with a link to my WWE RAW reviewed blog.

After the promo, the camera cut to a backstage skit where Trent Barreta and Yoshi Tatsu where playing a video game on an X-Box (I assume it was WWE 12, to promote their product). Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks. Curt made fun of them for playing videogames, while Tyler picked up a controller and challenged them to a two on two video game match, Hawkins said he doesn't play videogames. Tyler realised that his hands were stuck to the controller, haha, how original, I actually mean it, WWE hasn't done a backstage stint where a superstar has a had his hands super glued to an X-Box controller. Trent and Yoshi headed to the ring for the match.

The match was between Trent Barreta vs Curt Hawkins. Yoshi was in the corner of Trent, while Reks ( still with his hand glued to the controller) was there for Hawkins. Curt dominated the match from the get go, delivering some powerful moves, as Barreta had become a tool that WWE used to promote bigger superstars. This was until Trent reversed a running strike from Hawkins, and delivered a running high knee. He continued the high flying offence, hitting an outside dive on hawkins, after tossing him back in the ring, Reks distracted Barreta, which Curt attempted to take advantage of, by delivering a back suplex to Barreta, He rolled out of this, and lured Hawkins to the corner, reversing with an elbow, and finishing Curt with a tornado DDT. I thoroughly enjoyed this match up to the distraction. apart from that NXT was shaping up to be a great episode.

NXT then showed a promo of Titus o' Neil and Darren Young. Titus attacking Darren, breaking his arm, Darren calling Titus a NXT failure. This then went to a previous match in which Darren Young sat on commentary with his arm in a sling, while Titus was unloading on JTG. Titus won, and you''ll never believe what, The superstar who sat on commentary got up and went to the ring, Wow that has only happend like 73% of the time a superstar comes out and sits on commentary. Darren distracted Titus, when JTG grabbed  Titus's leg and Darren delivered a knuckle sandwich to Titus with his broken arm. He then removed his sling to show that his arm isn't broken. Hmmm, really, very rarely do superstars who have an injury appear on RAW, those with fake injuries for storylines do, you're not fooling anyone. Anyway, he then repeated that Titus is an NXT failure.

The main event was a match between Derrick Bateman vs Darren Young, Darren said on the mic before Bateman came down that Titus is a lost cause. I'd like to interject here. Titus has the build to be a big WWE superstar, if he turned heel, WWE could promote him for a few months, give him a few storylines and in about 2 years he could be a real deal. Darren saying Titus is a NXT failure, well actually Darren you failed before him, in season 1 "the pros eliminated you" well the WWE eliminated you. Titus failed to win as well. So actually you both are NXT failures ok?

The match was fairly decent but ruined at the end by a repeated storyline and poor acting on Bateman's part.
Bateman and Young both began the match immediately going for face paced moves, a great way to start a main event, they then moved to the ring apron, which was kinda expected to be a game changer in the match, Bateman hit what I assume was a reverse atomic drop, where Bateman damaged his spine. Young took control of the match from there, however to Young's credit he made this believable by using ground submissions and holds. This was only a matter of time befor Bateman turned the tables on Young with a very realistic counter, he then threw Darren Young into the ring post, which left him outside, Derrick then hit a running missile dropkick on to Darren, after which Darren was tossed back into the ring. I at this point thought this was a set up, where Curtis would emerge from somewhere and attack Bateman, but shockingly no. Instead they walked onto the stage, Derrick looked at them, and then continued to pound Darren. Maxine said "Derrick are you distracted" No he wasn't he had messed up that's what. She then said that she and Johnny were getting married in two weeks later in vegas, Bateman still didn't acknowledge them for about 30 seconds, until she handed the mic to Johhny, who said were in love. They ended the night with the couple making out on the stage. Has WWE ever had a normal wedding? no, is this just another way to try and boost NXT, without declaring a winner, and beginning a new season?, yes will it end with something going wrong of course it will. What was your favorite WWE Wedding moment? (Post a Comment). Mine would have to be Triple H ruining Stephanie McMahons wedding.

Overall this week was pretty good wrestling wise, but NXT has lossed it's roots with the obstacle course and eliminations.

This episode has scored a 7/10
1: Amazing wrestling in the first match
2: Diva match
3: Great wrestling match by the divas
4: New backstage skit
5: Great wrestling match by Barreta and Hawkins
6: Making my assumpsion wrong, by Curtis not attacking Bateman, when he was outside, after tossing Young in)
7: Return of willaim regal on commentary

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